
I offer several different paths to uplevel your space, and create timeless and inspiring design.

Healing Design Intensives:

The Phoenix Path

This is a healing design immersion for those who have experienced trauma, loss or a significant life transition. It might be the loss of a significant relationship or becoming an empty nester or the more gradual loss of infertility. In each, we are changed in the process. This immersion allows space to honor the loss that you have endured and how you have been changed through that experience.

We then explore how that loss is still held in the energy and objects within your home. We engage in a soul inquiry, regarding what you are ready to release and provide a container for that experience. We then identify steps for you to release specific items that no longer resonate with the life you want to create.

Finally, we reflect on what brings you joy and uplifts you. We consider what colors, textures, and design aesthetics you are drawn to. We work together to create a plan, including color palette, and design changes. We then source the items to actualize your unique design, which will nourish and support your ongoing healing and growth.

The Refined Path

This design path is for the individual or family who realizes that they are ready for a change in their home, both in terms of design and energy. Perhaps you have not put significant thought into your home decor and design. Or perhaps you have integrated the design trends over the years, but it still does not feel “like you.”

This design process is different from traditional interior design, in that we are focused less on the latest fads or trends. Instead, we delve into what nourishes and supports you and your family. In this intensive, we examine how your home feels now, what feels heavy energetically and what no longer resonates with you. We then explore what you are drawn to, both in terms of color, design, textures, and styles, but also what places/experiences in the world most nourish you. For instance, where do you come alive and feel most yourself? From that vantage point, we integrate the style/design and decor of those places in order to create a home that deeply resonates with you and your family.

Ongoing Design Consultation:

This offering is for the client who is ready to make some small changes to their home aesthetic, but who does not require the deeper healing design process.

Perhaps you have already cultivated your central aesthetic, however you would like assistance in finding the perfect piece of art. Or perhaps you are ready to change the color palette of a room to better reflect your new season of life.

In this offering, we meet on an hourly basis (in person or via zoom) to examine what design changes you would like to make. This offering also may involve shopping trips to source items that will enhance the joy and peace in your home.

Home Clearing and Blessing:

People are often not cognizant of the dense or difficult energy that may exist within their home. Homes, like all material and living objects carry energy, which can affect those who dwell within them.

Throughout history, cultures around the world have had ways of cleansing and blessing spaces, whether it was by incense such as frankincense, myrrh and cedar in the Catholic Church or sage, sweetgrass and other plants in the Native American tradition.

In this offering, we examine how the home currently feels and consider any significant challenges you have experienced there. We then explore how you want to feel within your home and engage in an intentional practice to clear and bless your home environment. This practice includes having you set a new intention for your home and next season of life.

Organization and Decluttering:

Often, when life has been busy, our homes can devolve into disarray.  In this offering, we explore your area of concern (ie. specific room, closets, entire home) and identify what you are no longer using and are ready to release.  We then identify a system of organization that most suits you and your life. 

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(Coming 2024)